Monday, February 8, 2016


Today you might be feeling a little off after staying up watching the Superbowl / drinking / eating way too many snacks / spending too much money on squares / wondering what the heck happened to the commercials this year, so I figure I'd brighten your day with a blog post!

Last time, I left you with saying things have been crazy lately after buying our first house and the holidays and all of that. Well, turns out I also said I'd be providing a list of my resolutions for the new year. After realizing I totally failed to deliver on that, I figured I'll share them now... better late than never?

Here are a few:

- Weekly blog posts - starting this week!
- At least one new invitation a month
- Get fit / eat healthier
- Work on the house

So far, we have already done quite a bit to our house (hence my absence on the blog... who am I kidding, I'm always absent on the blog), but the list is still quite long.

A lot of the projects we've done have made a huge difference to us, but I don't think you'd find them very interesting (for example, laying new insulation in the attic, installing a new dryer vent, or fixing the sump pump). I'll share some more interesting things when we get to them.

I have decided to post weekly blog posts and at least one new invitation a month. I have also decided to share that with you so I have some accountability. And, why not also add on there to get fit and eat better? I go to the gym/run outside regularly and I don't think I eat too unhealthy, but there are always areas to improve here. For example, I'd love to be able to run farther / faster, so that's something I'm working on. 

What about you? What have you decided to work on this year? How is it working out for you so far?

This post isn't the most exciting read, but I may have also stayed up too late watching the game and eating too many snacks. Zzz.

Stay tuned for next weeks' post! 

-- Alison --


  1. Take lots of before and after pics! I love reading about renovations and home updates.

    1. For sure!! I'm hoping to get some priming done this weekend.

    2. For sure!! I'm hoping to get some priming done this weekend.

  2. Take lots of before and after pics! I love reading about renovations and home updates.
