It's me again, your long lost pal, here to wish you a very happy new year! It's been a whirlwind over here lately. I've just been plugging away with the daily routine and then BAM it was Christmas and then... New Year's! Time just seems to be flying by, it's nuts. Do you realize that it's now 2015? I mean - my 10 year high school reunion is this summer! Sigh.
Since it's a new year, I've put together a list of things I'd like to work on. Last year, my goal was to start up The Invitation Oven. Sure, I didn't get to actually opening up my Etsy shop until the last day in April, but hey.... I did it! Soon to follow would be launching my very own website, creating over 30 brand new invitation designs, and making it to 60 sales! I'm super proud of myself for how far I've come in just the past few months, but with that said I have so much more to do.
Here are some things I'd like to work on this year:
1. Get better at blogging!!!!! I'm not afraid to admit that sometimes, I just don't know what to write about. Other times, it gets put on the back burner and by the time I go to write a post the topic is no longer relevant. No joke. I still have written on my "to do" list to blog about my camping trip from JULY. Sorry, friends.....guess you'll have to wait for next year's camping trip.
2. Create more designs! This is a give in. There will always be another design to make. My sketchbook is filled with ideas that are just waiting to come to life.
3. One goal that I'm so, so hopeful to obtain is to reach 100 sales by my first Etsyversary. This is a goal I set when I first opened my shop and it remains. My Etsyversary is April 29th and as of today, I'm at 60 sales. 40 more to go...eek! I still think this is obtainable, but I'm beginning to have my doubts.
4. SAVE SAVE SAVE!!!!! Sam and I have been saving to buy a house for years and years. With the mountain of student loan debt we have between the two of us, and things popping up like car repairs and weddings, and amazing trips to California, this is no easy feat. We have decided to really get serious this time (like we haven't said that before) and try to cut back on frivolous spending and just save. Anyone that knows us, knows that we aren't really frivolous spenders to begin with, I freaking LOVE a good bargain, but there is always room for improvement.
5. Did I mention that my 10 year high school reunion is this summer? Maybe I'll finally get those Carrie Underwood legs or maybe improve my volleyball skills, or do something cool like invent something like Romy and Michelle did before their high school reunion.
6. Read more books! I love to read, but usually I'll read one book as fast as I can and then go weeks before reading the next one. It'd be nice to be a bit more consistent and read a little at a time, all the time, like normal humans do. Also, it'd be nice to up my Jeopardy game a bit.
What about you? What are your goals for the year? Let me know in the comments!
And incase you missed my Facebook post. I'm currently offering 15% off in celebration of the new year! Check out the coupon below.
-- Alison --
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