Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Okay, NOW Spring has Sprung!

It is now officially spring according to both, the calendar and THIS!!

That's a photo of the very first flower in our yard! :D Isn't it adorable? I can't wait to see what else pops up over the next several weeks!

If that's not enough to be excited about........here's something else



























Have I made you wait long enough? Is the suspense killing you?

OKAY here it is - I have officially hit 300 orders!!!! Actually, as of today it's 301! WOOHOOO!

In the spirit of setting huge goals for myself this year, with doing things like registering to run a half marathon when I've never really ran more than 6, maybe 6.5 miles, why not go big for my next Etsyversary. How does 550 orders by my next Etsyversary (April 29th 2017) sound? Overambitious and scary? Yup, I thought so too....but that's what I'm setting it at. Go big or go home!....?

That's really all I have for you now. I'll check in again later this week, as I'm going to be posting a new design to the shop! Stay tuned!

Do you have any flowers popping up in your yard? Tell me about them below in the comments!

-- Alison --

Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring has Sprung!

Well, we did it! It's officially spring! Woohooo!

I'm hoping you'll be so happy that it's now officially spring and forget the fact that I totally didn't write a post last week? How about I do two this week to make up for it?

So, I mentioned in my last post that we were going to start painting that one room. Welp. Guess what...we didn't. We did buy primer and paint supplies, but I just don't know about the color. I'm undecided if I want it to be a sunny, bright room or a cozy, darker room. Decisions, decisions...

Instead of painting we spent several hours Saturday and Sunday doing yard work. You know those brown paper leaf bags at Lowe's? Well, we filled up 21 of those bad boys with leaves and sticks and also a large garbage can. I'm happy to report that the town took every single leaf and stick and finally took our Christmas tree that's been on the curb since New Year's Day! In their defense...our tree was pretty pathetic this year, they may have confused it with an overgrown weed or something.

Now that it's getting nicer out, I have much less interest in doing anything on the inside of the house and have started a long list of things for the outside. At our apartment, we had a tiny yard that wasn't very private so didn't spend a lot of time out there. We're super pumped about our new yard and all the things we can do with it. My over ambitious list includes larger projects such as fixing up the sunroom, putting up a new fence, and jack hammering out a concrete sidewalk leftover from a pool being filled in - to smaller projects like putting down grass seed, filling in random holes in the yard, planting flowers, and attempting our first veggie garden. All of this is exciting, but what's more exciting is that I might even get a tan while doing all of this!

You know what else happened this weekend? I started reading a blog called RunSelfieRepeat and was so inspired that I registered to run a half-marathon.....Yup. One time I thought I ran 9 miles, but after mapping it out in my car, it ended up only being 6.5. That was my farthest run ever. Not sure how I'm going to pull off 13.1 miles. Why do I do these things?

The run is in October and my new running role model has a training plan on her blog that I plan on using to get ready for this. You should really read her blog (runselfierepeat.com), she's awesome, but you've been warned...you might end up signing up for a half, or even a full, marathon as a result.

If that's not putting my 'get fit' resolution to the test, I don't know what is.

Remember when I said I'll do two posts this week? Well I should stop writing now so I have some thoughts left for that...but first.... let me leave you with this:

My goal is 300 orders by April 29th - My second Etsyversary.

I'm at 299!!!!!!

Hopefully we'll be celebrating 300 in my next post!

-- Alison --

Thursday, March 10, 2016

I survived!

Happy Thursday! I don't know about you, but this week has been great and I blame it on the weather. Yesterday it was 70° and today is 60°! If you aren't from NY, this may not seem as exciting to you, but around here... that's like short shorts and halter tops kind of weather. Dare I say that spring might really be here after all...???

In my last post, I mentioned that Sam and I would be attending a 1920s themed birthday party for one of Sam's coworkers. Here we are with some fellow 1920s folk having a blasty blast! I went as a flapper and Sam was a little newspaper boy who even made his own custom newspaper. Ain't he clever?

This photo is not only proof that we went to the party, but also proves that I survived the Shamrock Run! Woohoo! It was an exact repeat of last year... I ran the whole way (slowly) until the last giant hill/mountain...where my Pandora started playing Lana Del Rey (whom I enjoy, but that's not exactly 'GET PUMPED!!!!' type of music..more like...'heyyyy girl, you ran this far...time for a nap' type of music) So, I walked for a hot second, long enough to switch my Pandora over to Ween radio - now THAT will get you pumped! I finished the race at 48 mins, which is really slow...but hey, over 700 people finished after me so I'm not that upset.

Aside from these events, I have also been quite busy with the shop! As of today, I'm at 294 orders...which means I'm only 6 away from my goal of 300 by April 29th!!! My fingers are crossed, maybe cross yours too?

Over the next few days, I hope to stay busy with orders and also start painting! I have many paint projects in mind for us, starting with one of the spare bedrooms. Maybe you could also cross your fingers we chose the right colors...

Hopefully in next week's post I'll be able so share a before and after photo of that room. Excited!

-- Alison --

Thursday, March 3, 2016

But I thought it was almost Spring...?

So, I'm not sure how this works, but last weekend I was outside with short sleeves and a rake in my hand and now this week it's back to layers and a shovel. I guess all that Spring stuff I mentioned last week jinxed us. Sorry guys.

I'm so anxious to get outside and enjoy our yard. The yard is the perfect size. Plenty of room to play bocce, set up a volleyball net during barbecues, and maybe even try our hand at gardening, all without being too large to mow with a push mower. Maybe in a few more weeks...maybe!

Did I mention how much we love our house? ::Swoon::

Speaking of looking forward to things, this weekend is going to be something else. I can tell you there is one thing I'm definitely looking forward to and one thing I'm definitely not looking forward to. Saturday morning, I'm getting up bright and early to put my "get fit" goal to the test as I participate in the 4-mile hilly Shamrock Run at Tipp Hill. 4 miles is not that long, but the hills make it very challenging...for me. There are lots of people on the sidewalks cheering you on and some of them are even wearing kilts and playing bag pipes, so that helps make it a little less sucky. After the run, a couple of beers will be had at a local Irish pub which will make the run seem worth it (kind of).

Following this, Sam and I have been invited to a 1920s themed birthday party for one of Sam's coworkers and I'm super excited. Costumes are required, so I will be transforming into a flapper (without the dance skills) and Sam will be transforming into a cute little newsboy. Drinks will be served from that era and the music will also be from the era. They are going all out! Don't worry, I'll have a photo for you next week.

In other news, I don't think I ever told you my goal by my 2nd Etsyversary (April 29th) was to reach 300 orders, did I? When I set this goal last year, I thought it was a stretch as I was at about 150 orders, but it turns out it may not have been. As of today I'm only 10 orders away, so keep your fingers crossed! :)

-- Alison --