Sorry that I've been sort of M.I.A. on the blog the past several weeks (okay, let's be real, it's been two months.) Not only have I been denying you, my dear readers, of my sweet and hilarious writing (ha), but also I've left you all on the edge of your seats about a very important issue!
The fact is...I did it. I went with my fun and carefree side and went for the bangs. And....drumroll.......... I hated it. Actually, I ended up hating my haircut so much that I went back in to ask her to "tweak" it. Have you ever done this? I have not. I was incredibly nervous about this and felt like a total idiot for not saying anything the first time around about how much I didn't like it. It's just awkward - plus, I'm awkward. If you put an awkward person in an awkward situation, it's just no good.
Fortunately, my hairdresser is as sweet as pie and did her best to "tweak" it. However, I just don't think that bangs are my thing. So, can I just blame my lack of blog posts on the fact that I have been in serious denial over my bangs? No? I didn't think so. Good news is, it's been two months and they have started to grow out.
Let's see... what else is new. OH YEAH today is Halloween! I LOVE HALLOWEEN!
This year, Sam and I are heading over to Dave, my brother's, house to pass out candy with my mom, Diana. OH and my adorable dog niece, Maggie, will also be there. Dave lives in a prime trick-or-treating neighborhood and averages 100-150 kids, depending on the weather, which is... a lot of kids. Remember how I said how awkward I am? Well, I'm exceptionally awkward around kids. I just don't know what to say to them. If they aren't old enough to understand sarcasm, my default is usually to shake my keys at them. So, I'm not sure why I enjoy handing out 100-150 bags of candy to them. I guess I just love to see their little costumes and I know that our interaction is limited to "trick-or-treat" and maybe I'll compliment their costume, then they are gone.
Tomorrow night, our friends Mike and Caitlin are hosting a Halloween party at their house. Sam and I have been running around all week to get our costumes together for this party. Last minute, like always. If we can pull it off, I think it'll be one of my favorites yet. Stay tuned! I'm also planning to make a scary little treat to bring as our dish to pass. I plan to blog about this treat. Hopefully I don't totally screw it up so I can share it with you all!
Mike and Caitlin LOVE critters. They have dogs, cats, fish, turtles, guinea pigs, and ferrets, and maybe even more things. They asked me to make them an invitation for this party that incorporates all of their furry, and not so furry, friends. In order to keep their privacy, I have changed some information on this invitation, so that I could share it with all of you. (I also added it to the shop if you are in need of a very last minute invitation. You can find it here.)
I just love how it came out! Caitlin also told me that some of the critters would have costumes in real life, too, which I'm just jazzed about. The only one I know about is one of the guinea pigs will be wearing a bikini. Now you want to come to this party, don't you?

Okay, I think I have rambled long enough. Stay tuned for more blog posts to find out what scary treat I'm going to make and what our costume is this year! I promise it will be sooner than two months from now.
Have a fun and safe Halloween, friends!!!
-- Alison --